
Any further technical information about LoFurniture?1

If you want to find technical documentation for LoFurniture products, please refer to the detailed product page or contact our Customer Service. LoFurniture's Tech Spec clearly shows we have achieved our intended goals and impact. Compare technical specifications across companies and you will find LoFurniture is the most suitable one for you. Our service team is 7/24 on call to answer your inquiries and solve your problems with the technical knowledge about the product, like structure, installations, and maintenance methods.

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LoFurniture, a nation-renowned aluminum outdoor dining table developer and manufacturer, is known for its strong R&D and manufacturing competence in this field. We will show you the Outdoor Swing Chair series that is most popular with customers. Innovation-oriented design: aluminum outdoor dining table is innovatively designed by a team of professional designers. They are full of innovative ideas and are willing to embrace the changing market demands. It is not easy to fade or discolor. our team is committed to serving customers with sales and after-sales service network. It does not cause any side effects and harm to human being.

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We will continue our industry-leading stewardship of developing new products that continue to strike the harmonious balance between high-quality, high-performance products and responsible environmental management.

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+86 18902206281

Contact Us

Contact Person: Jenny
Mob. / WhatsApp: +86 18927579085
E-mail: export02@lofurniture.com
Office: 13th Floor, West Tower of Gome-Smart City, Pazhou Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
Factory: Lianxin South Road, Shunde District,      Foshan, China
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