LoFurniture provides several types of pricing, and EXW is included. If customers choose an ex-works price, you must arrange transportation all the way from our warehouse to the final destination. And customers are responsible for all export process. No matter which term you choose, We will give the maximum profit to you.
Is a reliable and trustworthy brand in Outdoor Furniture Set industry. 's Outdoor Safa Set is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Outdoor Furniture Set adopts outdoor furniture set materials to improve its performance. It is designed by a strong team with 10+ years' design experience. The product provides instant bright light and no buzzing or flickering to give users the maximum eye comfort. VIP design is available if it is purchased by VIP customer.
By reducing the negative effect of packing waste on the environment, we are committed to sustainable development. We mainly reduce the use of packaging material and increase the use of recycled material.
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