LoFurniture provides cargo weight and volume after shipment of Outdoor Furniture Set once such information is recorded and submitted to the customs. If you do not get it, please contact our Customer Service through phone or email. It's wise both for you and us to understand how shipping fees are calculated and we have relevant calculation formula which should be gained through negotiation. We can creatively design your packages to simplify logistics and cut your shipping costs.
Since earlier years, LoFurniture has successfully established its in dependent brand . Outdoor Furniture Set is one of 's multiple product series. garden coffee table is manufactured under these major processes. They are PCB fabricating, die casting, CNC machining, contouring, electromagnetic processing, and electrostatic spraying. It is designed by a strong team with 10+ years' design experience. outdoor furniture products are up to the international standard. The design is fashionable with a focus on the market trend.
The persistent purpose of would be to be among the very competitive Outdoor Dining Table exporters. Welcome to visit our factory!
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