How many brands are marketed by LoFurniture?
At LoFurniture "Product" webpage, the brand(s) are displayed in a clear manner. For many years we've been promoting the brand(s). It's strong evidence concerning the gap between us and the rivals. We promote our own brand(s) and meanwhile provide customization.
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Specializing in the manufacture of outdoor table and chairs for many years, LoFurniture is a mature company with abundant expertise and experience. We will show you the Outdoor Dining Table series that is most popular with customers. It has good breathable performance. It has passed breathability testing by a full range of testing methods such as BS 7209, GB/T 12704.1, ASTM E96, and CNS 12222 L3223. It is not easy to fade or discolor. LoFurniture always puts the idea of 'serving for customers' first. Its sale is supported by professional pre-, mid- and after-sale teams.
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We use our global scale and focus where we can make the biggest difference: sustainable manufacturing and reducing the environmental footprint of our operations.

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