What about the minimum order quantity of Outdoor Furniture Set in LoFurniture?
It is advised that you can ask the detailed information about the MOQ of Outdoor Furniture Set from our staff. Generally, MOQ can be negotiated. If there are special needs like customizing products, the MOQ may differ. Oftentimes, the more you purchase from LoFurniture, the more favorable price you will get. This usually means you'll be paying less if you place the orders in large quantities.
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By dealing with garden couch, LoFurniture has become top 10 enterprise in the Outdoor sofa industry. Outdoor Umbrella is one of 's multiple product series. outdoor table and chairs meets the electrical safety standards. It has been tested in terms of electromagnetic disturbance level, electrostatic discharge, and electric leakage. The product is packed in a safe and convenient manner for customer's use. At the same time, LoFurniture can also design and manufacture Other Outdoor Products products that meet customer requirements. It is not easy to fade or discolor.
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LoFurniture will continue to pay attention to business models and promote innovative spirit. Get an offer!

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