
What about the minimum order quantity of Outdoor table in LoFurniture?

It is quite common to have a minimum order quantity of Outdoor table . At LoFurniture, we also set an MOQ for our customers. Based on the industry practice and our manufacturing experience, the value of MOQ is set to satisfy our profit objectives. If customers want to have more information about MOQ requirements, please check out our official website or contact us directly through email, phone, or WeChat. For cases that customers place a large order, we will provide a lower MOQ. It can be negotiable.

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LoFurniture has become a reliable and trustworthy garden bench manufacturer and supplier both in the domestic and international market. We will show you the Outdoor Bed series that is most popular with customers. The source of raw materials: before patio chairs comes out, it is processed from high quality raw materials. These materials are sourced from several different places within and out of the region. The product is packed in a safe and convenient manner for customer's use. LoFurniture will further strengthen its customer service skills. It is designed and manufactured by one of China's biggest furniture company.

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Our current goal is to enlarge foreign markets. To achieve this goal, we will invest more in introducing and cultivating talents, and improve the overall manufacturing competence and product quality.

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Contact Person: Jenny
Mob. / WhatsApp: +86 18927579085
E-mail: export02@lofurniture.com
Office: 13th Floor, West Tower of Gome-Smart City, Pazhou Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
Factory: Lianxin South Road, Shunde District,      Foshan, China
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